A series of public events discussing issues on equitability, environmental justice, and best practices for public health. 

For democratic access and to adapt to current pandemic issues all events are virtual.

Questions we’re asking of ourselves for 2023

  1. How does the learning become bidirectional?

  2. How does the learning experience create new cognitive frameworks to seed non-supremacy imaginations and knowledges?

  3. How do we anchor the learning in scientific methodology? 

  4. How do we ensure that participants find value in the learning process?



Roundtables employ two-way communication in a structured environment. Ideas are not taught, they are facilitated. During a roundtable, a designated person leads but all participants share from their experiences. As a result, everyone grows together - including the facilitator. They are small in target attendance to ensure bi-directional learning can take place with depth and intention.

Town Halls

Town halls are our way of holding open review conversations on recently produced work. They are open to anyone to attend who can ask questions and learn from others on the call.

These events typically lead with a summary presentation and then opens up to a Q&A. They tend to be larger in size.

Reading Clubs

Reading clubs are a chance to talk about the science for health justice developed in our reports through a process of co-learning. Each reading club is a small event centred around a particular Centric report. The format encourages participants to share thoughts, critiques, experiences, and imaginations based on the topics presented in the chosen report.

Imagination Labs

We are creating the time and space for communal imaginations to be seeded. This is to create a starting point from which we can start a new pathway of justice, to change the oppressive systems that create poor health outcomes. The labs will be steered and inclusive of lived expertise and industry knowledges.

Upcoming Events

Past Events - 2023

Past Events - 2022

Videos of previous events